Mammograms need no introduction. It is widely used now to detect breast cancer among women in the age group 35 to 65. For those who are not familiar with mammograms, it is an equipment that is used like an x-ray to get a picture of the breast to diagnose cancerous growth in the breast region. Mammograms have been playing a vital role in reducing the number of deaths due to breast cancer among women in the above age group. Taking a mammogram test once every year for women over 40 years is recommended to detect breast cancer early. As per the cancer institute recommendation, women over 40 should try have to undergo mammogram screening at least once every one or two years as a preventive measure.
Though it has proven effective in detecting breast cancer at an early stage and make way for a cure, mammograms have created considerable amount of fear among women, while few are genuine many are based on myths and false information. People have many questions in their minds such as,
are mammograms emit harmful radiations? Is it expensive? Do routine screening create other health problems? Is mammogram screening necessary?
We present here some of the scientific facts related to mammogram usage:
Myth: Mammograms can detect cancer only when it is fully developed and it may not lead to effective treatment.
Fact: Mammograms are used by doctors to diagnose cancers at all stages of development, including early stage. Thus, it is useful to identify cancer at an early stage and helps in complete cure.
Myth: Mammograms expose patients to harmful radiation
Fact: No doubt, repeated X-rays are harmful to our body and it is certainly dangerous. But mammograms emit a very low level of radiation compared to X-rays. The danger factor for mammogram radiation is very small and it cannot be regarded as harmful to our health. The benefits of mammography usage clearly outweigh the risks involved as it helps in the early detection of breast cancer. So, compared to the benefit that it provides, the risk factor is negligible. So, you need not worry about radiation with a mammogram.
Myth: Breast self-exams using fingers are good enough and mammogram is not needed at all
Fact: Self-exam of breast by looking at lumps and changes are way to preliminary and medical fraternity have clearly stated that it cannot be seen as a replacement of mammogram screening. Studies have shown that breast self-exam cannot be termed as scientific as patients tend to ignore lumps whereas mammograms can lead to accurate diagnosis. Studies have shown that self-exams alone haven’t been enough to reduce the number of deaths due to breast cancer.
Myth: Mammograms are too expensive and normal people cannot afford to have it done once every year.
Fact: It is not expensive compared to the expenses related to cancer treatment. Most private insurance providers cover one mammogram screening per year. Doing a mammogram once every year can help you save your precious life, which is worthless.
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